Music Video Producer & Consultant
Sheldon Mendoza is a professional Music Video Director/Editor and Music Producer with over 20 years experience in the Broadcast Media Industry. He has produced over 100 Music Videos and recorded over 100 of his own Songs both locally and internationally and has worked with many Recording Artists on different genres of music from R&B to Hip Hop, Soca and Reggae.
Mr. Mendoza is a former Editor at Synergy Tv and former Producer, Director, Camera Operator and Editor at Tempo Networks, has produced countless Tv Shows and Tv Commercials and is currently the owner of his own Television Production Company, NEXTV (News. Entertainment and Extra Television) and is also the CEO of New York based Media Corporation, Award Media Production.
Mr. Mendoza is an Event Promoter and has promoted several events throughout Trinidad &Tobago from as far back as 1991 and is also a certified Sound Engineer, Deejay, Music Business, Consultant, Graphic Artist, a Master of Ceremonies, former Radio Announcer at Masala Radio10.1 fm, a world renowned Portrait and Landscape Artist and is most famous for his artwork on the sculptural portrait of Dr. Joao Havelange at the Centre of Excellence Trinidad and most of the artwork on that site.
Sheldon Mendoza is known as one of the few people to ever play the largest Steelpan ever invented called the Jomolene, fondly known as the “Jumbolee” and was an avid Steelpan player for many years. Sheldon Mendoza is truly a Cultural Ambassador who has traveled to several countries around the world promoting the culture of Trinidad & Tobago as a performer and as a producer and possesses the qualifications and experience necessary to shape the cultural landscape of Trinidad & Tobago