Study When You Have Time!


About Us

DianJen A nationally recognized Arts Education Organisation, registered with the Ministry of Community Development, Culture & the Arts in Trinidad and Tobago
Founded in 2012, DianJen (Dye-an-Jen) is a Music Industry Training, Production and Management Consulting Firm, based in Gasparillo, Trinidad and Tobago. The company was formed in response to the need for high quality training for stakeholders in the Caribbean Music and Entertainment Industry and to provide upcoming artists with recording and international promotional opportunities.
DianJen has a track record of excellence, working with hundreds of young persons and competently delivering several camps in partnership with the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts since 2013!

Improve Your Vocal Production and Arranging Skills!


A Demo of Our Learning Platform

This may not be the content from your actual course

A Closer Look at What You Will Learn

Vocal production and arranging is the driving force behind every hit song. In this tutorial, producer and composer Eyal Amir explains how and why he created the vocal arrangements in his latest tune, Latin Dream. See how he works with the captivating vocalist, Tammy Scheffer in creating, the seemingly simple yet extraordinarily complex, vocal tracks in this beautiful recorded, original production.

The producer shows you how he studiously designs his complex lead, doubling and backing vocal tracks. Listen as he explains how he constructs his vocal arrangement to heighten the emotional and lyrical impact of the song. Also included in this tutorial are a series of videos examining harmony, counterpoint and harmonic target note techniques that form the harmonic foundation of his vocal arrangements.

In this course, you discover how and when to use the two main methods of vocal tuning (automatic vs. manual). Every parameters and functions are clearly explained and demonstrated. You learn how to get realistic results, or use vocal correction as a creative tool. There’s a whole section on creating vocal harmonies artificially. To get them sounding right, it’s crucial to know the music theory behind harmonizing and this course clearly explains it.

You will explore:

  • Poster and Breathing
  • Vocal Drills and Warmups
  • Vocals without Music
  • Much More

In this Deconstructing the Beatles – Chords and Progressions course, acclaimed Beatles expert Scott Freiman explores the Beatles’ chordal songwriting SECRETS and the music theory behind those progressions. He “deconstructs” more than fifty of their of their hit songs including Hey Jude, Day Tripper, In My Life, In My Life, She Loves You and more.

Watch these videos. Master the theory behind the Beatles Chords and Progressions. And then apply these songwriting secrets to your songs and you, too, can share some of the John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr magic.

Singer-songwriter, producer Ben Arthur is at it again. This time he’s with the incredibly talented songwriter Sean Rowe. Sean and Ben are joined by the award-winning production duo of Al Houghton and Mike Crehore as they gallantly attempt to capture the ephemeral songwriting process.

Watch as Sean picks up his guitar gets down to business diving deep into his pool of creativity. See the songwriting process revealed as Ben and Sean struggle to find the song’s essence. Then witness how a simple idea comes to life as the song is coaxed lovingly to life.

Songwriting is one of those arcane creative adventures that is very hard to teach. That’s why this Songcraft series is so brilliant! You get to “see” it happen rather than hear some lecture on how it “could” happen.

Guerrilla recording brings with it many challenges: Odd mic setups and less than optimal recording environments. Add on top of that the extreme pressure of actually composing a song in front of the cameras and you have all the ingredients for a major musical breakdown! That is, unless you have a room full of talented musicians, engineers and songwriters!

And that’s the magic of this incredibly fun and informative SongCraft Series. It’s all about skill, passion and technique fusing together -like musical molecules- to generate something big… derived from a simple inspiration. And, all along the way, we learn all about songwriting, audio engineering and production. Everybody wins!

So join Ben, Al and Mike as they take their portable audio recording rig to SxSW to capture the essence of “Butter the Children”. And then follow them back to their NYC Dubway studios to add the final magic. There’s lots to be learned here. It’s a musical journey not to be missed!

Back at the condo/recording studio at the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas the Dubway production team is at it again. This time they’ve gently coerced the popular Canadian band, Bend Sinister, to spend an arduous day in our guerrilla condo-turned-studio to capture the songwriting experience as it happens in real time.

There are many ways to record music. In this case, our team drags mics, audio interfaces and laptops to where the action is happening and we get to sit back and watch the drama unfold! Our host (and singer-songwriter) Ben Arthur along with our engineer/production team of Mike Crehore and Al Houghton ensure that not a single note

Learn from International Teachers!


What Past Students Say

Review by past student, Quacy James

Training from Expert Tutors!


When You Join Our Family You Also Get

  • All Learning Materials
  • Access to Our World Class Learning Management System
  • Special Industry Newsletters
  • International Training Library


This course is open to everyone with an interest in Songwriting and Vocal Production. There are no formal academic requirements for entry!

Yes! All participants completing the programme and coursework assignments with a score of at least 50%, will receive an e-Certificate of Completion from DianJen.

After paying for the course you will receive log-in credentials within 24 Hrs to the Online Learning Platform

Tuition Fees

For Trinidad & Tobago Residents

$350 TTD Full Fee
  • Full Course Tuition
  • DianJen Certificate of Completion

For Caribbean and International Residents

$50 USDFull Fee
  • Full Course Tuition
  • DianJen Certificate of Completion